which pistol?

so i got the money now. which pistol should i buy?
Deagle, anaconda, others?


  • Depends on your playing style. Anaconda is for longer range users and people who like to take well aimed shots like me. Deagle is for people who like to get up close and personal with people or if you panic a lot. P228 is a cheap alternative to the Deagle with more capacity and firing rate but sacrifices accuracy and power. These should be the only pistols you consider.
  • HHV18Z wrote: »
    Depends on your playing style. Anaconda is for longer range users and people who like to take well aimed shots like me. Deagle is for people who like to get up close and personal with people or if you panic a lot. P228 is a cheap alternative to the Deagle with more capacity and firing rate but sacrifices accuracy and power. These should be the only pistols you consider.

    i rush with my conda and i get kills. it's better to be put under pressure so you can get better when your calm.
    i recommend anaconda if you don't play pistol only match because the DE users will pwn you.
    anaconda or deagle. no other option. deagles are recommended for rushers, but listen to my logic.
    I am a proud AK47 user right? After you rush and spray your bullets out, the odds are, one guy is still standing. We all know how strong the ak is right? Superior pull out speed + accuracy + strength at close range makes the anaconda much better if your good enough. Plus, like mentioned above, if your pressured and you learn to aim for head, it'll be a LOT easier when your not under pressure and just easily popping headshots and being called hacker.
    i own both so no matter.
  • Deagle is stronger and more accurate, but Anaconda has more range, pull out speed and reload time. It's a pistol that requires skill but is great in the right hands.
  • HHV18Z wrote: »
    Depends on your playing style. Anaconda is for longer range users and people who like to take well aimed shots like me. Deagle is for people who like to get up close and personal with people or if you panic a lot.

    When the Deagle first entered the game, I used to counter-snipe in Monaco with it... I still do in some situations, but they nerfed the Deagle's range-damage since then :angry-face:

    I frequently enter full weapon servers with only my Deagle, and 8 out of 10 times I take ACE and MVP... I've never seen the same from an Anaconda user.

    The Deagle is a touch less accurate and more powerful than the Ana, so it is basically a well matched gun by comparison.
    However, Deagle wins IMHO because of 2 things:

    1) ROF. The Deagle fires much faster.
    2) Ammo. The Deagle has one extra shot in each mag, and the same amount of spare mags as the Anaconda has clips. That means a total of 6 more shots.

    I am not exaggerating when I say I can and have made those 6 shots into 6 kills.

    The Ana is better than the Deagle in one catagory only. Reload speed. But, if you are skilled enough reload speed means almost nothing. Perfect example, Ana meets Deagle in combat, Ana fires 6 shots and reloads. If the Deagle has 6 shots, Ana would be ready faster and win, but if the Deagler knows what he is doing that one extra shot means the Ana user's doom.
    From a tactical standpoint, the Deagle is the crown jewel of the pistols.

    If nothing else, the price tag on the Ana is an even bigger disappointment compared to the Deagle. I see no point to it other than novelty, or purposeful hinderment.
  • i would recomend the Deagle :D Nice Gun 7 Bullets More than Anaconda Powerful 3 bullets Can kill 1 Man without Armor on BBody :D

  • Desert Eagle all the way. The time when you NEED a secondary are in close quaters fights, Right? .If they are farther away you have plenty of time to reload your primary gun. The Anaconda is a touch more accurate, but its a not much of a differencefrom a DE. As I said pistols are for CQC, making the DE's high rate of fire(about 2.5 times the anaconda's when button mashing) much more suited when you opponent may still have ammo for their main gun. Also the Desert Eagle has more power and ammo than the Anaconda. DE's reload rate is not as fast as the Anaconda, that obvious, but once your enemy has had a 30 or more bullets shot at them, and 7 50.cal shots from a Deagle, they will be dead.
  • Desert Eagle or if you Deagle Camo :D Ive used anaconda and I have fail at it :( The Colt 1911 is a very good pistol imo.