K/D reset

i have enough BP for one and i dont really want crates. my k/d was messed up because of my noob years :P and its taking me along time to build it up. it looks like a k/d reset would be perfect but i feel ill have to be too serious about the games and make sure my k/d is not bad. especially now that it keeps your kills and deaths when you leave a game.

so whats your opinion on what i should do?


  • haha im not that deperate for a good k/d :P
  • Don't reset your K/D. I started my account as a noob too, and I didn't even join the rookie servers as far as I know.

    Your K/D is just a number, somebody with a 1.x K/D could be top fragging in a match/scrim, but in pubs he/she might do bad.

    A number on a website is not a reflection of your ability to play this game. :D

    Man I sound like a teacher or something xD.
  • aeV1tas wrote: »
    Don't reset your K/D. I started my account as a noob too, and I didn't even join the rookie servers as far as I know.

    Your K/D is just a number, somebody with a 1.x K/D could be top fragging in a match/scrim, but in pubs he/she might do bad.

    A number on a website is not a reflection of your ability to play this game. :D

    Man I sound like a teacher or something xD.
    Your going places..
    And he might not be able to get into clans :(
  • PWaNTeD wrote: »
    Your going places..
    And he might not be able to get into clans :(

    If the clan goes by K/D then IMHO it is not a clan I want to be in.

    Maybe I just bring my ways from CS, but usual clans have try-outs where you play along with the clan members and they see how well you play. K/D is not a reflection of a good player, in many cases. Farmers, campers, spawn-attackers, and AWPers are really not good players, and someone up in the action making a difference who only has a 1.5/1 K/D is a better player.

    I myself am a very good player, and I barely keep a 2/1 ratio in total. A lot of it is from my Beta play, but even then I was mostly ACE and MVP in servers. I still am a top ranking player, and average a 3.5/1 in most games, however I still have bad days. Someone with a consistant 5+/1 seems suspicious to me...

    I've also met plenty of people in S&D games who ninja defuse, win rounds, but get little kills. If their K/D ratio is negative, but they win games, are they a bad player?

    You can probably tell by now, I don't care about K/D. I wouldn't waste the credits...
  • CF I can safely say is my first real FPS; however, I have played CS and CSS periodically. CF is where I learned how to really play an FPS. Now I can safely say I've progressed into playing CF, CSS, and MW2 fairly well with match kill/death ratios often above 2. My current CF KD is 1.4; however, with every day that I play (I play only search and destroy) it goes up and never down. So I would say don't worry about kill/death ratio resets. It'll fix itself over time. I never purchased a reset because common sense tells you, the longer you take part in something you'll gain more experience doing it.

    Kill death/ratio isn't a fair way to judge someone's playing ability. For example, I am able to get 30-5/40-5 kill death ratios fairly easily now in public rooms (I stress Public), yet my kill death ratio is only 1.4 at the moment. If you want to get into a clan, the clan should judge it from you taking part in a non beta clan scrim or if they permit you a probationary status in their clan to practice in beta server.
  • Yes. Don't reset your KD. It takes a long time to build back up. If you look at a profile and see 100000 kills, you're impressed. If you see 1000 kills, you're just like, Ok then?
  • i have enough BP for one and i dont really want crates. my k/d was messed up because of my noob years :P and its taking me along time to build it up. it looks like a k/d reset would be perfect but i feel ill have to be too serious about the games and make sure my k/d is not bad. especially now that it keeps your kills and deaths when you leave a game.

    so whats your opinion on what i should do?
    Its not worth it. Just work hard to make up for it, and save your BP for what ever good stuff that WILL eventually appear in the Bonus Mall. The AK-47 Silver was only the first of many. Be patient, little grasshopper, and your patience shall be rewarded. 26353290t.gif
  • Tbh, I don't really care about my k/d, mine is positive, its 1.4. But in scrim is when I care, but if I'm just pubbing, its w.e, as long as my score is not negative, I won't really care.
  • k/d was messed up because of my noob years

    Haha noob.