Looking for a Clan.

Im looking for a GM/SnD/Scrim clan... i am Currently in Exclusive*, they're good... but im looking for something that wants to do something other then Port and eagleEye.... its boring. So yeah...


^^ me.

I have like 35,000 kills and 21,000 deaths. im a good decent player, and im just looking for a good fun clan. I would like something in the top 1000. Please and thankyou! :)

Vent/mic -- Yes/no
Guns- AWM ScarL AK Silv Deagle anaconda Knife M700 M16 GrenadeX2. (I sold almost all my GP weapons for no reason...)

Edit- Im really looking to be a leiut..

Ummm i think thats about it.. :)

