yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh im mad at myself for disbanding radium but i thought i was done with the game plus i joined lifeline cuz if i did scrim at all it woulda been fun then life died and we all took a break, now im back and some noob stole Radium as a clan name rofl but i wouldnt bring it back anyway only have 3 of the 5 starters
Maybe Serenity could take a tip from bio, and just create something new. Radium was a great team, but just calling yourself Radium doesn't bring the old team back. We are a new team(although with some of the same memberz from Radium)and therefore have a new name- hopefully we will be as good as Radium was, but regardless we are not the same team. Remembering the past is good, but sometimes creating something new can be better. Just my 3 cents:)
From what I heard, They whooped sorry ( with rev-soh).
They said millions times they are cleaning the clan up, Wait for that to happen and if he is still there, Then postI don't know how you can be so bad as to develop the worst reputation in the game.
They have NOT got the worst rep, and wont.
Schnedier and his team are all respectful, legit, fun players to scrim with.
Always throwing a GG and a GH there.
I like scrimming with them. -
ILikeDrenKip wrote: »From what I heard, They whooped sorry ( with rev-soh).
They said millions times they are cleaning the clan up, Wait for that to happen and if he is still there, Then post
They have NOT got the worst rep, and wont.
Schnedier and his team are all respectful, legit, fun players to scrim with.
Always throwing a GG and a GH there.
I like scrimming with them.
Not Serenity, rev-soh himself. -
None of us really have to deal with him, So I don't think we should be having this chat.
If you're ever scrimming Sereinty and rev-soh is in there, "ESC -- > Block Chat -- > Rev-soh/whatever his name is "
I personally hate rev soh and think he can jump off a cliff, But still -
he talks too much cause he doesn't have a mic. so far i personally take his QQing as jokes... most of it is in team chat anyway so w/e
wait and see not long until i get a mic and a computer instead if a laptop w8 and see the changes.and the QQ has stopped. -
Ok Guys, about Kenny, rev-soh. We are a clan of Repect and profesionalism and we still hodl true to that.... But how does that give me the power to not let someone actually try and improve themselves??? Bad. was (to me) actually just as bad a flamer when he first came to Serenity... we all remember him. Great player, Bad mouth. He cleaned his act up publicly. So why cant rev do the same?.... How does he destroy Serenity's rep?? We are not a clan of strict perfection... We help strive to that... And ANYONE who is willing to strive with us (long as improvment is seen) then who am I to deny you... Kenny as far as i have seen has improved with his mouth ALOT since the first day he came here. Give him a chance and stop flaming on forums and vent that he is in the clan. Stop being once sided to the matter. Thank you, and i hope you understand now.
And Remaking Serenity is not about become "old" Serenity again, to me there is no difference. Its about the name to me... Not wanting to get the old team together, or anything like that (though it is nice to play with oldies). It the name of Serenity. I'm gonna stick to it. I'm not trying to match the previous repect and reputation. Though i'm not shying away from it either. I leading my clan same as before and if i gain more repect and Reputation then tahts great, if not then o well, its ran the same way so thats just people being ignorant or just biased and one all though!
-Schneider -
Perosnally i hate the kid, ruins Serenity's reputation.
Definition of baddie = Rev-SoH-/_[K]eNn[Y]_
Clan hopping farmer who things he's good because he can talk trash.
Bio you absolutly right.
I say kick Rev.
Agreed!!!!!! Took the words right out of my mouth! -
Schneideri wrote: »Ok Guys, about Kenny, rev-soh. We are a clan of Repect and profesionalism and we still hodl true to that.... But how does that give me the power to not let someone actually try and improve themselves???Schneideri wrote: »Bad. was (to me) actually just as bad a flamer when he first came to Serenity... we all remember him. Great player, Bad mouth. He cleaned his act up publicly. So why cant rev do the same?.... How does he destroy Serenity's rep??
Also Bad didnt really clean up his act, and I know for a fact I had to talk to other clans to calm them down about Bads mouth at times. More or less dont compare Bad and Kenny, it would be like comparing Pudgypaw and myself. Similar in some respects but still very different.Schneideri wrote: »We are not a clan of strict perfection... We help strive to that... And ANYONE who is willing to strive with us (long as improvment is seen) then who am I to deny you... Kenny as far as i have seen has improved with his mouth ALOT since the first day he came here. Give him a chance and stop flaming on forums and vent that he is in the clan. Stop being once sided to the matter. Thank you, and i hope you understand now. -
I personally have nothing against Kenny. I think he's just a kid that play videogames for fun and likes to rage (ALOT tho lol...). Nothing new, I can name billions of them little ones that cry all the time in servers.
Why bring HIM up?
No clue... I think it's a good move from Schneider to let him in and see what happends, the worst that can happend is he keeps being a trash talker with no respect towards other players and gets kicked...
Or he can get a decent attitude and be a good support to his new team.
Either way, Serenity doesn't lose anything in this big ''drama'' thing...
I mean, we're having a 15v1 here... Let the kid be. And let Serenity be too. -
Perosnally i hate the kid, ruins Serenity's reputation.
Definition of baddie = Rev-SoH-/_[K]eNn[Y]_
Clan hopping farmer who things he's good because he can talk trash.
Bio you absolutly right.
I say kick Rev.
seems like you are angry for being kicked because your bad? i don't get it
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