Cross Fire Mini-Games Collection!

Cross Fire Mini Games Collection

Are you tired of playing always those normals game modes?
Don't worry !
*I have gathered here some nicest and coolest mini games, what you can play with friends or clan mates!
Press link to see rules of each mini-game.


This mini-game created by [MOD]Rory is awesome if you got many friends with you ! Keep in mind that you might get lot of deaths in this game !*

Smoke in the house

Great mini-game by Cattlauer& Friends*! Good game for 3-6 players ! I simply just love this mini-game , lot of Smoke and winchesters ! Good job !

Pain train

Nice mini-game created by [MOD]Lobster & Friends is great fun for tired people ! Easy to learn and easy to play ! Hope you got good aim ! You need it.

Smear the Qu33r

I love this mini-game , this is also so simple to learn and so fun ! If you want lots of kills, play this!


Fun game even with 3-4 people ! But its best if you got full room of friends playing this ! You simply just need to run, kill or hide , or why not both ? You dont even get so many deaths if you know how to play this! Great mini-game !


New mini-game by Monksta! I have never played this, but I think this is fun game and I have to try this soon!


Great and different Mini-Game by Madanki! USE SOMETHING TO HEAR GHOST'S (This is Ghost mode mini-game) Epic !


New mini-game by Egeenz ! This Mini-Game is so fun to play ! When you tired of playing of pubs with friends, play this! Always nice to get high killstreaks at here! :P

(I am looking for official thread for Hide&Seek game, tell me if you find one for me.)

This "guide" was made for people to find easily all the mini-games what CF can offer ! I'll keep updating this always when someone invents new mini-game ! Have fun playing !
~ Upex


  • This thread has been copied from the CrossFire Guides section of the forums.

    This is to make it easier for people to find information about different mini-games that will be hosted in this section.

    All posts, with the exception of the OP, have been deleted to prevent a fake post increase on their account. All posts can still be found in the original thread.

    However, we would like OP to contact one of us about a possible combination between his thread and another to increase organization and decrease the number of unnecessary stickies in that section.
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