Hits regestration
I have noticed that a lot of my hits didn't register. I have a stable ping of 190, before the patch it was by 145, but if I shot at a person with a ping under 15 and unload a half AK clip to his back, he turns around and kills me the was no DMG. Such thing happens as well to player with a ''normal'' ping of 100-200 as well for me, but no so often.
Its especially hard to kill the ghost for me, if they move. I see a lot a blood, but most of the time when they should be dead I do only like 30-50 DMG ( I need to hit 5-7 bullets from AK to kill them for sure, but sometimes even that amount of lead isn't enough).
I would like to know if other played have the same problems with shot registration, since its not a ping issue, but something else. If i use the tracert command in cmd console, there are no packages, which I loose on the way to z8-game servers. I s it because of my laggy connection, or is it just the game physics, or is it a server issue?
It happens with all types of weapons, even with a knife, it like I stab some1, see blood, think I have done 90 DMG and need only to slash once and he is dead, but after I died i see no DMG.
I have noticed that a lot of my hits didn't register. I have a stable ping of 190, before the patch it was by 145, but if I shot at a person with a ping under 15 and unload a half AK clip to his back, he turns around and kills me the was no DMG. Such thing happens as well to player with a ''normal'' ping of 100-200 as well for me, but no so often.
Its especially hard to kill the ghost for me, if they move. I see a lot a blood, but most of the time when they should be dead I do only like 30-50 DMG ( I need to hit 5-7 bullets from AK to kill them for sure, but sometimes even that amount of lead isn't enough).
I would like to know if other played have the same problems with shot registration, since its not a ping issue, but something else. If i use the tracert command in cmd console, there are no packages, which I loose on the way to z8-game servers. I s it because of my laggy connection, or is it just the game physics, or is it a server issue?
It happens with all types of weapons, even with a knife, it like I stab some1, see blood, think I have done 90 DMG and need only to slash once and he is dead, but after I died i see no DMG.
RussianRtl wrote: »Hello.
I have noticed that a lot of my hits didn't register. I have a stable ping of 190, before the patch it was by 145, but if I shot at a person with a ping under 15 and unload a half AK clip to his back, he turns around and kills me the was no DMG. Such thing happens as well to player with a ''normal'' ping of 100-200 as well for me, but no so often.
Its especially hard to kill the ghost for me, if they move. I see a lot a blood, but most of the time when they should be dead I do only like 30-50 DMG ( I need to hit 5-7 bullets from AK to kill them for sure, but sometimes even that amount of lead isn't enough).
I would like to know if other played have the same problems with shot registration, since its not a ping issue, but something else. If i use the tracert command in cmd console, there are no packages, which I loose on the way to z8-game servers. I s it because of my laggy connection, or is it just the game physics, or is it a server issue?
It happens with all types of weapons, even with a knife, it like I stab some1, see blood, think I have done 90 DMG and need only to slash once and he is dead, but after I died i see no DMG.
i have 46-67 ping and i had the same problem actually... didnt matter whats the players ping i was shooting at, my bullets just would not reg... i shot a afk guy in the head turned like he was going to die... then i died... found out i only did 37hp to a non moving, afk guy, with 105ping... lol pathetic
so i wanted to try something... i uninstalled the game, redownloaded it, installed it, and well what did ya know lol... my bullets were registering 90% more... (but it worked for me, idk how it will work for some.. worth the try) -
TheBirdMan wrote: »
so i wanted to try something... i uninstalled the game, redownloaded it, installed it, and well what did ya know lol... my bullets were registering 90% more... (but it worked for me, idk how it will work for some.. worth the try)
pretty sure it that did nothing.....
Hit reg is most noticably bad when ether side is Spiking... so it is not somthing that is consistent anyways......
during the day i have a steady 53ms ping with peaks at 60ms... after high traffic hours my ping goes to 110ms with peaks at 190ms...... first thing, even if my ping is a steady 110, it takes an average of 1 too 2 bullets more to kill some one. i actually stop using my ak47 which i normally do with 2 shot burst and pull out my noobinator p90 when my ping changes... forget me poping of headshots with my ak, aint gona happen when my ping is like that.....
Now, back on topic, during periods of stable 110ms ping, aside from an average of 2 bullets more to kill some one, nothing else changes... NOW, when my ping spikes,, forget about it. i can unload in a guy and do nothing.
Moral,,, high pings affect the gameplay but it is the unstable pings that REALLY cause the problems. -
TheBirdMan wrote: »so i wanted to try something... i uninstalled the game, redownloaded it, installed it, and well what did ya know lol... my bullets were registering 90% more... (but it worked for me, idk how it will work for some.. worth the try)
Rofl. Im 90% sure that works. -
I get this. My ping was experiencing no issues at 175 before the latest patch, but since the patch it's 190. Doesn't seem like much of a difference, but my bullets don't hit nearly as much.
Same here, before the patch I was at 140 and now I'm at 190-205.
Same problem with the bullets not hitting all the time.
I was forced to start using my Kriss again to normalize things. -
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