Once agian, looking for a team.

Basic Information- http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=3062689
*Name: Tony H.
*Birth: Feb. 17th 1995
*Age: 14
*Race: Asian(Vietnamese)

InGame Information-
*Guns: Rifle, can snipe too, but prefer to use m4 and ak
*Style: Aggressive, I like to get the pick at the start of the round.

Extra Information-
*I've played since beta
*I've CAL-IM/ESL-IPT/XPL-M in Counter-Strike 1.6
*I'm an active player, which means I'm on and dedicated to the team.
*I can use Ventrilo, MSN, Skype, Team Speak, and XFIRE. (I am willing to download new applications for voice communications!)
*I live in Washington(Northwest, can play anywhere in the west, as well as some central area's)(By that I meant the Ventrilo location)
*My attitude is very positive, I don't give up, till its over
*I never rage quit
*I use sound to help my game play, I just don't run around and get lucky kills.
*I'm a good team working player who doesn't bait

Contact Information-
*Message me on forums
*Reply to this thread(Preferred)
*Steam: gunz_n_knivez360
*Aim: tonyxxD
*MSN: tony_ko_u@hotmail.com
*Gmail: tonyxxD@gmail.com
*XFIRE: tonyxxd
