Fragstarsx recruitment thread

fragstarsx is a casual clan that's looking for active, loyal members. We're fun, like to fool around, and are very active on our VoIP server, Mumble.
We also Clan War, Scrim and Pub daily.

Clan Rules

Be active. Players that have not played for two weeks will be kicked unless an LT has been notified of your absense.
Be respectful of your fellow members. Joking around is fine, but if you are intentionally trying to start a fight, you will be kicked.
Don't RQ in Clan Wars unless asked to light trick, etc.
No hacking whatsoever.

Clan Requirements

Have positive KDR
Speak fluent English
Be on at least three times a week


Please fill in the format listed below when applying.
Ping in Alpha:
Invited by (if any)
Honorable Soldier Ribbon: Yes or No? If No, Why not? apply now
