Options to purchase miscellaneous items permanently

While the cost Bags 3&4, grenade expansion, and fast defuse aren't high, dedicated players spend lots of unnecessary GP to continue to have these perks. That's why there should be ways for players to receive or purchase these items permanently.

1. Allow players to purchase these items for the amount of 1 year's worth of renting. This will not replace the current renting system, but simply give players another way to buy the bags. One year's worth of GP seems a pretty fair trade to me, as far as cost-wise goes.
    Grenade Expansion Kit: 70800 GP
  • Quick Plant/Defuse: 70800 GP
  • Bags 3&4: 118800 GP

2. Players who have already bought these items for a year should automatically receive the item for free. Since players before this (if it is implemented) had no ability to purchase the items, if they've spent the equivalent amount that you can buy it for, they should also receive the bag, kit, whatever it was that they purcahsed. Purchase logs are kept by the database, so tracking how many purchases a player has made isn't impossible.

Note that items received through BM or events will not count towards the 1-year mark.

Also note that when you have the permanent versions of said items, they will be replaced in the Black Market with GP prizes.

Feel free to leave suggestions as to what the pricing to be, if you think the prices I have currently aren't reasonable.
