Undaunted Lan Experience

DAY 1:
10 am fly to chicago
1 pm fly to buffalo
4 pm mcdonalds
5pm drive to buffalo
7pm pick up itwasluck
8pm-10pm wait for purvis
Get denied from 2 places because they thought our IDs were fake. I even showed the first guy my passport lol
The manager wouldnt give us back our IDs and my passport because they thought they were fake.

DAY 2:

Woke up and Purvis was at delacos place again lol
Met up with terrorism to get the projctor screen for LAN
Went with Delaco and carried Monitors and computers and cords up and down stairs for a while so we could make sure LAN happened =)
Friday night we went to the local LAN center with eHostage and spray ops where I ringed for Spray ops and we beat eHostage 3 times (Very fun night)

Day 3 (LAN):

Woke up (Way too early) and went to the Raddison
Started getting things set up it took us a few hrs longer than expected but we finally got everything started.
We watched Revitalized play first against AEONK, which was when the first NICE-AH! was heard by the crowd.
We then played Carnage. We had a great start, we came out and won round 1 and the crowd was very surprised. We were toe to toe til it was 4-4 and Carnage got momentum and took the half 7-4. On black list we were a bit sloppy and lost 5-1 taking our first loss 12-5.
We then watched a great game between eHostage and SNSD where eHostage played grea to get their first win of the day.

Round 2 we Played Spray ops. This match was full of DCs which is in part why we lost our momentum. We were up 2-1 hero had just dropped a 4k then someone from carnage stepped on a cable and crashed all 10 of us out of our game. We managed to still win BL 7-4. The second half we really should have won, but because we had never played with this 5 until lan our communication on GR was sloppy. The round that would have won us the game was a sloppy play on GR (Hero had a defuse but he let go to go for he frag which lost us the round we needed to win)

Later in the day was the best match of the day (The firs match of LL vs Carnage) Both teams were amazing. The comeback by LL was unexpected and probably one of the best comebacks ive seen. I wish there wasn't so much arguing between the two teams, but some rivalry is expected I suppose.

After there was a confontation between Terror and Malte. It didnt get too out of hand I just wish terror could have handled himself a bit more professionally (No offense terror you are a great guy, I just think you got caught up in the heat of the match)

For both LL vs Carnage matches I was spotting Carnage to make sure all DCs Were Legit so let me be the first to say there was no blatant attempt by carnage to purposely DC EVER. They were for the mos part client errors. The only thing I was asked by terror was if Teabagging was against the rules which I responded with "Obviously No"

The Finals match was great to watch and congrats to carnage on a well earned victory.

After we stayed a while to chat with Saidin and help clean up. Props to the following for staying til 4 am to help clean up:

Also shoutout to eHostage and Sprayops for helping us move around some of the stuff on the days before the event.

Sunday Day 4:
Woke up a 3pm
Went and had a beer (Didnt get ID'd at all this time which was funny)
Returned all the things we borrowed from Delacos company along with Purvis and LAM.
Went to the Korean barbeque with eHosage and Sprayops (Your welcome for that 10k Zp Toree, wish you got more for traveling so far) also video of Korean Barbeque is on youtube somewhere.
Went to Delacos house played CF til 3am then went to sleep

Day 5 Last Day:
Woke up
Got Food
Flew home
1 am Sleep =)

Undaunteds Lan Performance: None of us played bad, we just had not practiced at all as a full team going into he event which is why we lost. The teams that were most prepared did the best. It was obvious. (No tables were turned, but we had a good time regardless)

My thoughts on the event: For a first open LAN event in our version Id say it went decent. I dont think it would have happened though if me and Delaco would no have gotten the monitors and extra computers on friday though. All the teams played well, there was nobody at lan I would say has 0 Competitive potential, but it was clear that LL and Carnage had more lan Exp, by the way they played.

Delaco - For letting me stay at your place and buying some of my food =) Best Teamate NA
Jpurvis - Running this thing was probably hell for you, but in the end it turned out pretty well
Drel- Very Chill guy, and great to hang with
LAM- Nice guy, Helped us move the monitors back on sunday
Sprayops + eHostage - Had fun downtown with you guys, all great to meet in person
SNSD - Didnt meet all of you personally but you guys were all nice (Zezo was a bit weird tho lol)
Malice - Meant a lot that you stayed to help us clean up after the event, great guy too
Hero - Even though were nervous you still managed some good plays (Next time hold the defuse so we can come home with a lan win =D)
Artur and Michael - Thanks for playing with us at the last minute even though we didnt win you guys were cool to play with
Revitalized - It was cool to meet Hazey and Stiggs who I use to pub clan with 3 yrs ago
AGNbreakout - Very Friendly guys
AEONK - NICEAH! made the even 10 times better and you played better than anyone expected, props for that
CK- Mexico Clutch #1 (runescape for life)
Roth- Even though there was some heat between carnage and LL got give you credit for staying mature during that.
Carnage- All of you were nice to meet in person, it was fun to play you guys live.
Web Gaming- Got some good wins and did better than I thought (Though we laughed when you ditched before you played AEONK to go to the falls)
Molson- Razzlez was cool (thanks for letting hero use your headset in our 2nd game) and Mini played well. Dallan looked stoned the first day lol.
Escape Artist- Props for just coming out and trying and thanks to Raingod for trying to help them the best you could. Keep working at it.

I enjoyed the LAN and look forawrd to more events like this in the future. This kind of stuff really helps he community. These kinds of events are what we need to see more of to help the competitive seen grow and get to know eachother better. Great times, and Congrats to all the teams for playing well. Good luck to all of you with your future plans and I hope you all stick around and keep playing Crossfire.
