-[Existance. is recruiting. Rank 752

Hey guys, -[Existance is recruiting. Now you might be thinking why you'd wanna join -[Existance. Simple, We are pro, we are legit, we are young, we rank 752. We do clan wars, clan games. We use Raidcall, we are social. If you want to apply go right ahead, although you just have fill out that form below:

Clan rules
1. No Hacking/Glitching
2. Be Respectful TO Everyone.
3. Dont clan hop.
4. Be chill and dont beg for LT.

To be an Lt.

1. Be respectful all the time.
2. Show responsibility
3. Be in the clan for atleast 2 months
4. Do not ask to be an Lt. We will let you know if we have an open spot.

If You Are Applying We Suggest You Include
Average Ping:
KDR 1.5+: Yes or No?
Mic: Yes or No?
Raidcall: Are u able to get it? Yes or No.
Language: Other Than English.
-We suggest to not use the M12s mot people will try to kick you.
-If you were referred by someone, include his/her IGN in your Application.
* For the name it is up to you, but later in the game if you want to get serious you would have to let us know