How to turn off chats
I have no idea if this has been made yet, but i feel like it's my destiny to make this guide. Of course i hate you all and i don't care about this game, but here i will share my knowledge to those who deserves it.
Here we go!
There are three types of chats:
The public chat
The public chat is the messagebox where everybody can chat. Except to those that you've blocked. Blocking these individuals can be done as follow:
When you're in the lobby:
Go to the right corner above of your screen and press the second option. Once clicked you should be able to write down his/her name and block it.
When you're in the game:
Press escape and press the button: Block option -> block the person
If you want to disable the whole chat, then you should do the same except you go to Options instead and you follow the menu. Once there you should be able to turn it off by Community.
The whisper chat
Block it for one individual: Go to the right corner above of your screen and press the second option. Once clicked you should be able to write down his/her name and block it.
If it's ingame: Press escape and press Options. Search for community and disable the whisperchats.
That's it.
Here we go!
There are three types of chats:
- The public chat;
- The whisper chat and
- the teamchat.
The public chat
The public chat is the messagebox where everybody can chat. Except to those that you've blocked. Blocking these individuals can be done as follow:
When you're in the lobby:
Go to the right corner above of your screen and press the second option. Once clicked you should be able to write down his/her name and block it.
When you're in the game:
Press escape and press the button: Block option -> block the person
If you want to disable the whole chat, then you should do the same except you go to Options instead and you follow the menu. Once there you should be able to turn it off by Community.
The whisper chat
Block it for one individual: Go to the right corner above of your screen and press the second option. Once clicked you should be able to write down his/her name and block it.
If it's ingame: Press escape and press Options. Search for community and disable the whisperchats.
That's it.
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