European Cup

European Cup is a new tourament created by hG.eXe and Daniguns, these tourney will determinate who is the best european team of CrossFire NA/UK

Signups deadline:
[Mar 24-Apr 12]

Playoff dates/times:
First Round:
[Apr 13]

Second Round:
[Apr 20-21]

Third Round:
[Apr 27-28]

Fourth Round:

Double Elimination
Subject to change anytime.

Room/Game Settings:
Game Settings
Search and Destroy:
9 Rounds
1st Person
10 Player Slot
2 Observer Slot

Match Scheduling.
To schedule the match the captains of the teams have to propose to the other captain the Server and Channel where the match will be played

Server Crashes.
If a server crashes, contact a League Administrator with a detailed report.

Forfeit win/losses.
If a team does not have five players in the server "readied up" after 20 minutes from the originally scheduled match time, then the opposing team can force them to play with 4. If they cannot field 4, then the other team will be able to submit a forfeit win. The captain of the team should message an admin with screenshot proof in order to submit the forfeit win.

Tournament Guidelines:

-Non-standard game settings or third party applications that affect game play are not permitted
-Any use of game exploits, cheats, or any other play deemed “unfair” by an admin may result in disciplinary action up to and including disqualification from the tournament.
-At least one player of each team must save game replay and end-of-game score screen shots; in the event of a dispute, these assets will be used as evidence to determine the result of the dispute.
-All players must be online and ready to play 15 minutes prior to their scheduled match time.
-If a match disconnection occurs by either party within the first minute of a map, the map is to be restarted.
-Exploits will be judged on a case by case basis. Ignorance will NOT be a valid excuse for using an exploit, whether it is known or not. If you think something is possibly an exploit, or you are unsure as to whether or not it is, don't do it!
-Exploit & Infraction Penalties will be dealt with on a case by case decision, but standard -resolution for the below infractions include overturning the round in which the infraction occurred if the infraction had a direct impact on the outcome of that round.
-Bandi is requiered, the team who dont have Bandi can be DQ

Reporting Process:
Reporting deadline is 48 hour after the completion of the match.

Team Leaders must update the information on the reporting thread as well as xfire me the screenshots of their match by the reporting time for confirmation.
Team must retain replays/screenshots of each half of a match in case a dispute arises. These files can be deleted after the cup ends.
Teams must wait 20 minutes following the scheduled default time before submitting a forfeit win report. Valid proof is required (screenshots, confirm-able chat logs, etc).

Reports Should use this format:
Team 1 > Team 2
Team 1- # of Rounds won
Team 2- # of Rounds won
links to screenshots and replays.

Weopons and Maps allowed:

Signup format:
Member #2:
Member #3:
Member #4:
Member #5:
Member #6:
Member #7:

Post Here or in site the signup.

1st Round: Eagle Eye
2nd Round: Black widow
3rd Round: The Mine
4th Round: Downtown
Semi Finals: Black Widow
Finals: Black Widow, Port and Eagle Eye

More Information Contact this email or Skype:
Skype ID: PTSilvano04
Skype ID:dxamda

Prizes: We are in negotian with some sponsors to provides some prizes
