ATTENTION all X-men clan members (merge clans)

Force 5 has graciously offered to merge with them and as the leader of X-men I have accepted. They are ranked about 240 (last I checked) and have about 60 members) they're usualy about 10-15 online and we clan battle a lot, which is why I started X-men in the first place. I think we have plans to enter some tourneys as well. there are only 99 slots and they will fill up fast so act now. (I sounded like Bill Mays for a )Great bunch of guys so please feel free to join us if you will. I've turned X-men over to T1 and he will do a great job as the new leader I'm sure.

And to anybody who was just bored and read this message, ur welcome to join Force 5 as well.....Join FORCE 5 TODAY!!!! :)

