Clan Searching

I am looking for a clan to expand my skills with. I am looking for a mature and skilled group of people who like to scrim and are not clutch fails. I am looking for a clan who doesnt scream "hacks" when i kill them 5 times in a row. I am looking for a clan who appreciates skills that were not downloaded. I am on usually 10-15 hours a week, I live in the USA (chicago) so most of my game time is usually after 5 until i have to go to bed to go to work. I am 30+ and have many years of FPS experience. I was a part of new clan called DMF elite but even the people there that ive played with for months call me a hacker and refuse to play against me. Serious clans need only to respond. So if you are a mature clan, who respects others, plays well, likes to scrim and is looking for a skilled gun to add to there clan leave a message here or send me a PM. If i need to tryout send me a PM. Here is my profile.
