New clan Claymore, picking up!

Hey, its Thornz. :D. I have made a new clan once again.

I've decided to make it completely open with basic requirements.


Its pretty easy to get in. Just have:
.8kd +
under 120ping
Dont hack
Dont be an annoying 10 year old :D

Clan Rules:

Don't start unnecessary drama
Be respectful during Cws
Don't hack
Don't be rude to clanmates
Don't mistreat people.
Basically, just be better (not playing wise) than every other pubclan around.

Don't worry about your skill level. There are people here who are good at every different thing (except for a knifer, we don't have that yet), so we can help you out in every aspect! ^^

if you wanna check us out, this is our page (easy application :D)

Check us out ^^. We will be one of the top pub clans by the beginning of the summer, so join while the requirements are stupid easy to pass ^^ have a good day :D
