Top 5 clans in clan server snd



  • 1. If deezy cheats then you would know. He's pretty blatant.
    2. Good point. Playing shtty cheaters would be frustrating
    3. You have downs

    I hope you realize that you **** ride suko all day and yet he makes fun of how incredibly unintellectual you are.

    You have down that why you on forum nice post count LOL only friend you have internet and parents house you live in

    Suko is best player I never said he nice, and my English not good but your br good? No, exactly.

  • Ninfetaa wrote: »
    You have down that why you on forum nice post count LOL only friend you have internet and parents house you live in

    Suko is best player I never said he nice, and my English not good but your br good? No, exactly.

    You're Brazilian?

    This explains so much, why didn't you just say so?

    Also why are you continuously posting a SS of cheatox beating cryptic as if it has anything to do with me?
  • You're Brazilian?

    This explains so much, why didn't you just say so?

    Also why are you continuously posting a SS of cheatox beating cryptic as if it has anything to do with me?

    You live with your parents? That explain so much why didn't your undropped balls tell me so child?
  • ninfetaa wrote: »
    you live with your parents? That explain so much why didn't your undropped balls tell me so child?

    LOL .

    You amuse me, keep it up.
  • Here's the deal: the clan server is not a place for competition. Fact of the matter is, even scrims in echo 8 aren't abut winning. Playing against another team in an environment that isn't a tournament or league match is for improvement. If you're playing to win a scrim, then you're wasting your time. Ergo, if you're arguing about whose better based of scrims (and completely unregulated ones in the clan server at that), you're also wasting your time :O

    ITT a bunch of silly people. Regardless, I'll try to watch this section more =\
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