I don't wanna join if:
-you have any QQers, farmers, or noobs on your team
-your clan isn't too active
-you have nobody on your team who's good at ghost mode on BL side, which does NOT denote knowing how to use an axe or shovel, it means fully invisible motion.
-you don't scrim at least once a week, or don't allow me to scrim

*I'm willing to download vent if you have one. I have no microphone, but I always wear headphones when playing.

[2 clan members i had stopped playing and the other one who played the most out of the 3 is more inactive then he used to be.]

*I play every day, usually 20-30hrs weekly. I plan on getting a job in the new year. Once that moment arrive, I'll keep playing, just not as much, logically, of course.

*Used to play Combat Arms a lot, played a bit of CS:S, bit of Halo PC, dislike wolfteam/soldier front/warrock. I've been playing CF for a year (since fall/winter-ish 2008) on older accounts, getting used to diff. guns, till I made this account, got into CF more then ever, and started getting zp/gp. I main a Scar-L and AWM (how original, right? well, popularity in gun usage rises from popularity in gun efficiency; i.e. awm, scar-l, m4, ak).

*I prefer GR during S&D, and favor Eagle Eye, Santoria, and Downtown.

*Pacific time (98-101 ping in normal servers, 13-15 in west coast) but I change my sleeping schedule weekly, since I have no work/school atm.

*21 years of age.

I don't want to be in a clan that isn't at my skill level or higher. I don't think I'm Autumn Assault Top 8 material (although I've only played some members of those clans in pub, never scrim), but I wouldn't consider myself to be a noob.
