Improve the physics!

I've had a lot of issues with the physics of this game, mainly with a knife as I play ghost mode and knife only mainly (bad idea if your good!). But what I really hate is when you're a ghost, and people walk back literally through you while shooting and somehow get a HS or something when you're about to backstab them. This is one thing that needs to be fixed, as no one should EVER be able to walk through you no matter how!
Another problem is when you go after someone as a ghost and end up in a corner, and they end up in the sam corner shooting away, and you're trying to stab them, it doesn't work as (s)he is right in you, bt somehow that can shoot you! Also a bad thing.
Then we come to where you're a ghost again and manage to get behind the person you're trying to kill and they are shooting straight, with you behind them, and they still kill you! Bull****!
Then we finally come to where you're a GR and a ghost slashes at you, but you move away fast enough to where you shouldn't be hit, but yet you still die in a hit if they stab. Another thing that really sucks and ****es me off.
Finally we have the axe and shovel users, it seems that you get hit even after they withdraw the weapon and it shouldn't do damage, it should ONLY do damage upon impact!

Thanks for reasing my rants on a few things that have been bothering me, I hope enough people agree as to where something will be done about it.

