LogicGaming is BACK. calling old members!

LogicGaming -> http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=275548

Thats right ladies and gentilmen, LG is back and calling out to any old LG members who wish to rejoin our ranks.

For those who dont know, LogicGaming was a very sucessfull and well respected pub/scrim clan. We were ranked 2nd overall in CW rankings due to the hard work from its members. We work around teamwork and more importantly friendship. Players who have been here before know what the LG atmosphere is like, and its an honor to be back.

What are we looking for?

-> AGE? must be over 16 or mature.
-> MUST be from NorthAmerica, EU and BR players will not be accpeted sorry.
-> Must have KDR of 1.5+
-> Must have Ventrillo + Mic
-> Must be able to make calls and follow strats

This is a temporary thread to get us started again. please no spamming or flaming this thread, looking forward to seeing you all in battle.

LG 4 Life
