[StyleZ] is now recruiting ;)

I would like to ask all of you out there who consider themselves skilled players to consider joining my new clan =)

[StyleZ] ;)

We are a scriming clan ;) we have had 9 clan matches so far and won 8 of them and lost 1 due to d/c of the server.
we are an active clan;)
and we have major skills you ;)

We also to a trial scheme, provided you meet the basic requirements of the clan application which really is yes's all the way round :P
then we will trial you for a week to see if youve got what it takes, and if you do you will be kept within my family :)

im also going to be adding & applying for features to this clan once things are up and running such as:
- Tournaments
- Scrim training
- Clan Points and activity monitoring.
- Weekly mini leagues within the clan in which they would win prizes from things within the group buy section within the mall which i can distribute to certain players who have come out on top.

Clan Application:
*Your first name?
*Age 16+ ? (yes/no) {if approved by me this will not apply to you}
*Mature attitude? (yes/no)
*KDR 1.5 or above? (yes/no) {if Approved by me this will not apply to you.}
Previous Clans:
*Do you like to scrim (clan war): (yes/no)
*Ventrillo? (yes/no) {REQUIRED}
*Mic? (yes/no) {REQUIRED however if you do not have a mic i will allow sufficient time to buy a mic}


we are only a young clan at the moment but with a little help from you the CF community we can move up the ranks, kick ass, and fight with the best of them! Alls you've gotta do is apply
we might be young but 2010 is just round the corner
