Looking for Clan

Seasoned Crossfire player from 2009 looking for a clan to join, will be inactive sometime in the future because I am in the Military. I am from New York, and was in the previous WOGL season about a year and a half 2 years ago. Been awhile, but it was a good time. Notable previous clans I have been in are Legendary(clan from wogl), Crystal Order, and K1nG. I dont play 24/7 because I do play other games and tend to be busy. I speak English and I can use Teamspeak, Mumble, Ventrilo. I have a mic.

My account is: http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5163866

Have any questions, feel free to leave them here.

Also I primarily play Search and Destroy only.
