Solution for (hackers) problem

The hackers problem in crossfire is getting really annoying lately , you can barely play in a room without 1 or more hackers unfortunately the hack report system on the website is not good enough you can only report 1 hacker at a time and sometimes its hard to write down all their names specially the ones with lots of symbols in it , some lieutenants even use hacks , that day I saved for than 5 matches with over 15 hackers in them , when i wanted to report i found out that it was hard to post them all together so I came up with a couple of idea`s that might help alot in this problem.
1 - A quick report button at the character profile : I know GM`s might not have time and all but trust me its worth it.
2 - Spectators : A group of people chosen by GM`s , would play as any normal players and when they find a hacker they can directly report him to a GM ( by using method 1 including cfr file )
PS : I suggest using an IP ban instead of account ban because when a ( hacker ) gets caught the hack would probably come out the next day so he will be using another account basically its worthless ...
If you like the ideas , support it !