Teamspeak3 - Making a server [Windows]
First thing first, this is a guide to make a teamspeak3 server to run on your local computer.
The very first thing you need to do is to go to this website.
Your IP Address is : [Here is where your ip address will be shown]
Copy that IP and paste it in the URL section in your browser.
This will only work with google chrome or Internet explorer, not sure if it works on other internet browsers.
Go to this website
To see what router you have, simply go the page where you have your IP pasted, as in 2nd step in the tutorial.
Your router name will be displayed there.
Press CTRL+F (google chrome) and insert your router name there.(Notice that the router name is not the number(s) after the router name.
ex. Thomson TG789vn - The red is the router name, the grey is the brand of the router, the brand will be choosed after you selected your router.)
Press your router and and choose the brand of the router.
Click the brand of your router.
Press CTRL+F (google chroome) and type ''Teamspeak 3 Server''
Follow the instructions there.
Ports are listed in the bottom
But.. I dont have a server yet?
That's right!
You need to download a server first.
Refer to this site -
Do only download what suits you, if you are unsure what bit (32-64) you have, press START on your computer and right click on ''Computer'' then choose ''Properties''.
After downloaded unpack it and run the ''ts3server_win(32-64)''
Setting up the server!
A pop-up message will appear, simply copy paste it and log in to your server with the IP you used before, this will be used by other aswell.
Paste it in the box when you log in to become the server admin.
Do not close the box before you have done this, make sure you have a ''shield'' where it says ''A'' or press your name and make sure that you are Admin.
And now you have your own teamspeak server!
You need to run your teamspeak server after every restart on your computer!
Useful Ports!
9987 - Default port that makes you speak with each other. Must have
30033 - Making you be able to file transfer in the server. Must not have
10011 - Server query. Must not have
Any problems? Contact me personally then!
The very first thing you need to do is to go to this website.
Your IP Address is : [Here is where your ip address will be shown]
Copy that IP and paste it in the URL section in your browser.
This will only work with google chrome or Internet explorer, not sure if it works on other internet browsers.
Go to this website
To see what router you have, simply go the page where you have your IP pasted, as in 2nd step in the tutorial.
Your router name will be displayed there.
Press CTRL+F (google chrome) and insert your router name there.(Notice that the router name is not the number(s) after the router name.
ex. Thomson TG789vn - The red is the router name, the grey is the brand of the router, the brand will be choosed after you selected your router.)
Press your router and and choose the brand of the router.
Click the brand of your router.
Press CTRL+F (google chroome) and type ''Teamspeak 3 Server''
Follow the instructions there.
Ports are listed in the bottom
But.. I dont have a server yet?
That's right!
You need to download a server first.
Refer to this site -
Do only download what suits you, if you are unsure what bit (32-64) you have, press START on your computer and right click on ''Computer'' then choose ''Properties''.
After downloaded unpack it and run the ''ts3server_win(32-64)''
Setting up the server!
A pop-up message will appear, simply copy paste it and log in to your server with the IP you used before, this will be used by other aswell.
Paste it in the box when you log in to become the server admin.
Do not close the box before you have done this, make sure you have a ''shield'' where it says ''A'' or press your name and make sure that you are Admin.
And now you have your own teamspeak server!
You need to run your teamspeak server after every restart on your computer!
Useful Ports!
9987 - Default port that makes you speak with each other. Must have
30033 - Making you be able to file transfer in the server. Must not have
10011 - Server query. Must not have
Any problems? Contact me personally then!
ECoAEgeenz wrote: »You're cute. I have to agree. Fairly.
QQ .
I asked him cuz he has his own server. And I am don't like to search a lot of guides while man of them are just not working.
EDIT. So could you send me the link of TS that you are saying I could use?
NVM on all I wrote. I can't connect. -
'Lazy wrote:[AnGeL;3459357']QQ .
I asked him cuz he has his own server. And I am don't like to search a lot of guides while man of them are just not working.
EDIT. So could you send me the link of TS that you are saying I could use?
NVM on all I wrote. I can't connect.
I'm not sure if google give u bad guides, or that you in fact do somethings wrong.
Anyway, you can use ECoA's TS3,
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