A Sad history in Crossfire called : Discrimination

A SaD history in Crossfire called : Discrimination :

there`s a bad think that u can find sometimes in each room.
some players are from Latino America Country`s and talk spanish,
maybe they are from Colombia, Mexico, or other country,
but some of the ignorant ppl think the nationality of certain country make them slaves.

Some jokes talk about Mexican , Colombian , and Venezolan (idk how to say it ...) People.
are about discrimination.
today i joined crossroad ,
and i was talking with my friend cause he know`s spanish too and its from my country.
just 2 words of us to unleash a nationality fight.
a guy (lets name him "Ignorant") start saying :

Ignorant : Shut up mexican guys.
we told them that we weren`t mexican`s we were from another country (without discriminate mexican , its just i dont lie about my nationality.)
Ignorant : all the mexicans , are just people that fix ur car when you need it
i sayed him : dude really thats discrimination and im not mexican im from Colombia.
Ignorant : all the mexicans like you are so annoying.
i was fighting cause you know , who like to be discrimated (sorry for bad english) by his nationality, color or language.

all of you can see jks about people from other countrys that maybe say they`re are lazy,they are mad,or they are black, white whatever.

there`s something that i hate so much in this case.
1. the ignorance : thinking we were mexicans only for talk spanish.
2. Discrimination : saying that mexicans and Latino America People was English or America`s People Slave.

i got ****ed off , he just sayed that the mexicans were just slaves and black.

that was a class of discrimination so bad.

if a guy have skin color black.
its ok he is a human and he deserve respect.

if a guy have skin color white.
its ok he is a human he deserve respect.

there`s a lot of people with diferent`s nationality.

they are honored to be from they`re Nation.

and no one :
mexican, colombian,peruvian,american, etc...

No one! deserve to be discriminated by his color and or nationality.

i made this topic cause its so sad see like other ppl discriminate other ppl for they`re color and the Nationality.

this isn`t a topic to spamm.

"mexicans are better than..."
"americans are better than..."

this topic its reflex.

i think no one of you would like to be judged by your nationality or discriminated by your skin.

Thnx For Reading This.

P.S : yah i made an eror and it say Sas and its Sad sorry D:


  • I have a feeling this thread might get out of hand quickly, I'll keep a close eye on it.
    I changed the title for you.
  • I aint spainsh but i feel you. I am from the Caribbean and some times things get out of hand. All i can tell you is not to worry with fools like that & "just take it E Z man".
  • I has a mexican friend on Crossfire hes awesome <3
  • Yeah i hate when ppl say the... well... the rude term of a dark coloured person. It annoys me, I'm not dark toned colour, but to get rid of this, either, take pics of it and send it to CMs or GMs, or block their chat, I usually block their chat.
  • Idk.... yeahh... just calm down and ignore them and just make fun of americans. Thats wht i do when some one makes fun of me. xD u gotta learn not to get ****.ed nd shi.t
  • reporta a ese retrasado mental. Manda un support ticket y reportalo.

    MODs this is ban-able?
  • yea i have some of these problems as well from my country. People say that i'm Mexican when i am really from the Caribbean. ~_~
  • just keep ur mouth shut IMO, if they dont see u type they wont say anything and theyll just assume ur what race they are and this wont come up
  • im mexican and the sad part is that most of the time i know alot more about the person's country than they do and then they go silent for the rest of the match.
  • Welcome to the Internet! Where trolls don't live under bridges, but in their mommy's basement until their mid 30's. 26353290t.gif
  • take no notice bud,the bloke is a pr~ck.some of us like meeting new people...crack on and enjoy the game..
  • Yeah, it's sad, but there are alot of racist pigs out there. I play BW alot, and a ton of people from clans like Fear, c2, and elite play, and as most people know, they're mostly Chinese clans. Sometimes I see someone flaming them or saying racist comments, and whenever that happens, I immediately kick them. We usually get the required 10 votes in 3-4 seconds. Just shows for the most part that the CF community is understanding and for the most part, non-discriminating.
  • Seriously. I couldn't care less. It's an online game. People shouldn't feel offended online. I don't approve of this behaviour tho.

    I saw a clan named AntiGringos once btw, that's racist against white people lol.
  • Comon, dude. It's life. You gotta learn to deal with it. Just block him or QQ. But yes, he's being a total f@g. I'm Korean :D
  • ppl who dont speak perfect english tend to do bad in games like this, therefore cheat.

    there it got out of hand, close plox.
  • I make fun of everyone. Especially you dirty mexicans. lol jk.

    But no seriously, I have gotten frustrated at a lack of good communication, but I've never seen anyone be racist or anything.

    BOTTOM LINE- if they get weird over a little thing like race, they aren't worth knowing.
  • I understand your frustration, and also agree that racism is starting to get a little out of hand in the open chat on here. Infact the level of swearing is too, if I'm being honest.

    I think, and this is merely an assumption, that because Brazilians have made a bad name for themselves on here (not all of them, but quite a lot from when hacks were rife) people have almost migrated that hatred onto anyone from South America now, which is quite pathetic.

    Another problem, and again this is a generalisation, is that the players in clans such as Columbia War (and other known South American clans) seem to flame everyone and accuse them of hacking, just because some of them have a low level of sportsmanship. (Another bad clan for this are Samurai Army).

    So I think the main problem is that people aren't meaning to be racist necessarily, but they associate a bad experience on Crossfire with a particular country or region, and the second any kind of argument arises, it reignites old flames. Sad, but I'm sure most of you will agree, true.

    For example, a guy from Samurai Army earlier (sorry, forgot his ign) had literally just entered:

    SA Guy - fdp hack noob
    SA Guy - kick metascar now
    SA Guy - kick hack
    Me - or maybe next time don't just stand in the open
    Me - if you don't move, chances are I'll snipe you
    SA Guy - f*k you
    SA Guy - (random non-english cursing)

    The point is, I was so fed up of noobs claiming I hacked by this point, that I said nothing. But most people's natural reaction would've been to flame him, or say the typical "Br Nub".

    Like I said, I'm not a racist, but feel free to flame my post if you feel I am being. Forums are all about freedom of speech within moderation, right? And for anyone taking offence to my references to South American clans, I apologise. I will compile and post a list of clans that now kick me on sight, and you can go ask them yourselves.
  • Also I'd like to add this on the topic of raging on legit players:

    Due to the amount of flaming I've received over recent weeks, it got to the stage where I growlered every pub, offered for the player to come to my ventrilo, and I would give them a link and offer to have a polite chat with them. I'm not pretending I'm the Gandhi of crossfire, because I'm not, but this seemed like the logical way to deal with the issue in a civil and rational matter, however only 1 person, from around the 16/17 I offered this to, actually came and downloaded it.

    Even then, I'm pretty sure he never bothered to download it, and he still never apologised after confessing that he'd been wrong, because he'd come to play a few games with me. This guy was a fellow countryman, and all he did was drop the subject altogether and deny all knowledge of him flaming me.

    And that's another thing that was starting to get out of hand. People sticking up for fellow countrymen, even when the person is continually breaking the rules and ruining the game for everyone else (I was going to mention hacking, then decided that problem seems to be behind us now).

    It shouldn't matter if they're your next door neighbour, or playing from the South Pole. If a player is blatently showing total disrespect and swearing every death, please kick him. That's why theres a kick vote for "insulting or swearing". Think twice before hitting f12 because you find it funny, because the next time you're getting flamed, you've lost your right to complain, in all honesty.
  • its a lot of **** about ******s... one guy in a GM match said like this
    everyone was like nice man i hate ******s to... and i like WTH everyone think its normal with this **** :O
  • its a lot of **** about ******s... one guy in a GM match said like this
    everyone was like nice man i hate ******s to... and i like WTH everyone think its normal with this **** :O

    sry if theres ware a lot of swears :P not my fault... just said what they said
  • Well i dont use the chat just because of that if some one calls me hacker i just dont respond its not educational to flame other people iven if its just a game.
  • Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................................................................................................
    very nice point. And i agree,
    BUT, this is a north american hosted game, the web site is in english, the forums ONLY allow english posts etc......
    Part of playing online games is the interaction with the community, which is hard to do if you do not speak the communitys language. (which is english)

    if u dont know english, feel free to play. just know that people or ignorant and will react negativly to you..

    On the other hand, i have been in rooms where i was one of few english speakers. and had the others talkin about me. "insert spanish" RendoRazor JAJAJAJAJJAJA KIK!"
    etc etc etc............ or my fav "RENO HACKELS KIK KIK"
    very annoying...
  • RendoRazor wrote: »
    very nice point. And i agree,
    BUT, this is a north american hosted game, the web site is in english, the forums ONLY allow english posts etc......
    Part of playing online games is the interaction with the community, which is hard to do if you do not speak the communitys language. (which is english)

    if u dont know english, feel free to play. just know that people or ignorant and will react negativly to you..

    On the other hand, i have been in rooms where i was one of few english speakers. and had the others talkin about me. "insert spanish" RendoRazor JAJAJAJAJJAJA KIK!"
    etc etc etc............ or my fav "RENO HACKELS KIK KIK"
    very annoying...

    Lmao hackels. Im stealing that.

    Maybe you should stop HACKELING
  • MetalScar wrote: »

    It shouldn't matter if they're your next door neighbour, or playing from the South Pole. If a player is blatently showing total disrespect and swearing every death, please kick him. That's why theres a kick vote for "insulting or swearing". Think twice before hitting f12 because you find it funny, because the next time you're getting flamed, you've lost your right to complain, in all honesty.

    I wonder what's the ping of a skimo playing from the South Pole.

    On Topic: I myself am spanish, I've never spoken spanish inside the game because I respect that the game is "English" only.

    But some people just cross the line between being a civilised person and being a troll + caveman combo.
  • :/ a lot of times you can't help it, in this game, let's face it, mass majority of BR's are the one that's kicking you , swearing at you with a language no one understands, or just flat out lagg into mid air and never die. (as in he is literally floating in midair) Did i mention most of them actually use all the pub hacks?

    Ofc you would expect people to assume all BR and south americans to be such and such. You have nowhere to blame but your fellow south americans, racism plays a part, but mostly it's due to these people.

    My friend miike from join, he's a great cf player, he's BR, totally legit. Yet he get accused and sworn at all the time. What can he do? He's a BR, and his fellow BRs dose all these things that just made him carry all the blames along with it.

    It's a shame, but there is nothing you can do about it
  • First off, discrimination has existed since the idea of communication was conceived and maybe even before that. Discrimination will and cannot be erased no matter what you do. Sure it is wrong and by no means am I advocating it, but take a look at the world around you. Read a newspaper and look at government policies. You WILL find it even though it may not be blatant and that is for you to discover. Second, this is a North American hosted game and I believe (though it is impossible) that the rules of the forum with regards to text should also be followed in-game. Finally, everyone gets discriminated against in more than one way be it race, sexual preference, age, etc. There are people that curse off other people based on the way they speak, which I find completely wrong. Hell often times I never type anything in-game and just because I play during odd hours of the day here in NYC I find myself in rooms where the majority is not from America thus I get kicked for being from the US (due to ping rate). God forbid if you are Ace in that room you will be instantly kicked due to accusations.

    Discrimination will never end as long as humans have the ability to make opinions. With regards to online games expect that the tolerance levels are low because these people that discriminate hide behind their computer screens and sometimes pure immaturity is the problem.
    "Opinions are like *******s everyone has one."
  • i dont talk spanish in the chat , i just do when a guy from my country appears,
    you know how hard its to find a Guy From Colombia That talk spanish in a room where only 16 ppls can play?
    its really hard...
    i know my english isn`t perfect ,that im not pro and that im not 14 years old or more lol...
    but really when you find a player thats from your country, from your city, you really feel you have ally`s (like saying : yay i won a new friend and ally and if they hackusate me im not going to get kicked so easy.)
    and you get happy cause you are a friend that u...
    can join to your country clan? lol...

    (yah mi english isn`t the best -.-...)
  • pretty sad what these dudes do...i got discriminated cuz i'm half spanish-half dutch...they i wasn't a human but yh just ignore tghose dudes pic a screen and show i realy think the dudes who discriminate need to get punished it isn't fun if u play a game online that u get fcked up by these "no-lifers" just ignore....that's what i do sometimes i start to freak on these guyz who say this but yh this is a world with all diferent humans...just respect everyone...