WORLDWIDE Recruitment Thread.

United we stand, Divided we fall


Hey everyone, I've come here to gather a bunch of players to help me build a clan waring team, within one of the most known pub clans on the game, Worldwide.

Recently we have had quite a few of our active players leave us and go to different games, due to the hacking situation. We have took a step backwards and lowered our clan point requirement and are much more lenient when it comes down to being active. This doesn't mean we aren't, but for those who can't be on every day it's a better solution. You must not be inactive for five straight days without any notice, otherwise you may be kicked.

We've never been big on clan wars, but, due to how hard it is to play in public rooms these days, I think it is time I gathered a bunch of players to start doing them regularly.

All players will need to be mature, patient, have a reasonable amount of gamesense and a decent shot.
You must also have Ventrilo, this is what we use to communicate.

If you're interested in joining me please post below or you can contact me in game or via xfire.

Thank you for your time, Jackass.
