Ant lfc


What's up guy's!? I am LFC on an alt account. I'm currently in team prime right now and we're doing tournaments like CFL, and upcoming WCG USA, so I gotta stay in there with my main. Team's not on some of the time and i'm just looking for a clan to pub with. I generally don't care about skill, i'd actually prefer to carry *evil laugh*, but I'll look into whatever offer's I get.

Standout leader (e8 team)
Clutch Leader
bTk LT
LogicGaming Member
and a lot more, but I really don't feel like posting them :P

Good sense of Humor
Good Shot/Gamesense
In game and forum recruits
Can provide leadership if that's what some clans are looking for
If it's skill or having fun, I can provide both as a player

Looking for:
I'm looking for a well established, organized clan. I don't want to join a clan that isn't organized with all their info about the clan and what not. Must be active, would be appreciated if you cw'd everyday, preferably a small end 20-40 member cap clan but i will make exceptions, uses Ventrilo or Mumble (Anything else i will not join), no little kids that would annoy me.

Guys i don't have much to say but... I'm sorry about my past. Past is past and people change. I used to be an extreme troller with major temper issue's. But i'm sure I can show you otherwise :P. Other than that i'm looking for a fun or skilled clan, doesn't matter, and i'll be happy to try anyone out that leaves me an offer.

Profile Link:

*IGN is currently MADTHINGXX, but I'm changing it too ANT as soon as a GM responds to my support ticket
