modification of grenades in CF

my suggestion:
1. add a new function to all grenades with explosives (fuse with time delay). How it must work?
if you throw a grenade as usual, by left button - they explode with standard time of delay. if you want to change it - use the right button before throw. When the right button of mouse is pressed - on screen must be showed a time delay scale (5-15 sec.) You must choose a time by press button - if you press button more time - the time delay must increased. When you set the time of delay to explosion, you must throw a grenade immediately, or you will die, when time of delay is done and grenade exploded in your hands and kill you.
2. add more size for grenades and remove the limit of type of grenades in the backpack, because in real life nobody use only 3 grenades in battle and nobody take only 1 grenade on any type in battle...
