RoughNex Recruitment thread



I have decided to set my own clan up, after a long period of time out of the leadership/running a team business thought I'd re-kindle the fire and get back into it. I was the leader of a past few teams either it being ESL or Pub team, My main team I led was 'Infused' which was a ESL/Pub team what went quite far.

I want this clan to succeed as I won't be leaving this to fall into the dark as a lot of people do. At the moment it shall be an invite only clan until things get on the road. So yeah that's it really. Main nationality of the clan will be UK/European But I shall be accepting people of the NA Region.

I will be needing an LT to take care of things when I'm away with work(Manager at dominos pizza) or college.

Here are a few requirements of the clan;

Preferred role?
Past teams?

Will not be accepting;

Hackers/Glitchers or 3rd party association
Clan hoppers
(you get the point)

Clan/team Link:

Xfire - BaktraaK
Peace out †
