LightinG1337 looking for a clan.

After i creating the new clan -Øn¢e- which obviously fails. xP "created it yesterday."
I'll try my luck to join a clan.

I think the job as a leader is too hard. I'm not evolved for this job.
I anyway paid 9500 ZP for this. I sacrificed my last money out of the last 3 paysafecards
for nothing. It's even to hard, to find the right members o,o

Well, I'm looking for a clan.

Vent/Mic shouldn't required in clanwars. And in Pub.
Nice, Helpfully peoples. Which dont Insult anyone

My statistic:
IGN: LightinG1337
KD/r: About 2.23 - 2.24 (NO Farming, NO Hacking.)
Previous clans: German Snipe, HS Nation, e[X]traction
