LAN Discussion/Information meeting

I would like to have a LAN discussion/meeting for anyone who will be attending on Saturday 02/09/2013 @ 9PM EST.

I will be there to discuss everything that is going to be happening at LAN.

-Hotel information
-Misc activities

I will also answer any questions that any of you may have.

Mumble server
IP -
Port - 1337

I will have a room setup. The room will be muted, and I will unmuted people that have any questions or concerns. Others can use the chat box to talk until unmuted.

***I will not tolerate any harassing, flaming, insults from anyone. If there is a person in the room that you hate with a passion, keep it between yourself via PM.***

There might be a special guest from a top eSports organization join us.

Look foward to seeing you there!


This discussion has been closed.