[StyleZ] is now recruiting ;)

we are a new clan made just yesterday.

however we aint noob either.

we are competative.
we will be doing structured scrimming. E.g stratergy, training together, comand structure for who does what etc.

any other ideas if you join will be greatly appreciated.

i welcome one and all to the clan [StyleZ]

as the leader i ask for people with the follow credentials.
however if you want to join , apply and we will trial you for a week.

i ask for:

*KDR - 1.5 or above.
*vent and a mic.
*willing to scrim.
*Mature attitude. (bassically dont rage quit in clanwar and dont rage in clanwar) :)
*and have a rank of atleast Master Sargent.
*To be very active, on atleast every 2 days for more than 3 hours
*and to be able to earn 5 clan points a day or more.

however if your rank is below this and so is your kdr.
then we will trial you for a week.

please join, we need all the help we can get to get us to the top and become one of hte top clans on the game. that is the aspiration of this clan
