CFL Stats - By Ryangi

I'll be keeping stats of all teams that send me a replay of their matches for CFL via xfire. My stats are much more accurate and in depth compared to the ones hosted by the main cfl website, I'll be keeping a match by match statbook and a team statistic page for each team who sends me their replays. I'll most likely be keeping them on a website for archiving, or here on these forums.

Here is the first cfl match played.



2k-5k= Number of times a person kills said amount of players in a single round (Not keeping track of this until I can find a method of easily doing it)
1v.... = Number of times a person wins a round when playing in a 1 v said amount situation.
FPR = Frags per round - Average number of frags player gets per round
KD= Kill death ratio
RP= Rounds played
MLS= Men left standing - Number of players left alive at the end of a round* This can be used to determine how close won and lost rounds are each game (Team stat)
RW= Rounds Won (Team Stat)
RL= Rounds Lost (Team Stat)
*Terrorists killed by the bomb at the end of a round still count toward MLS

To submit a replay to me, send a download link via xfire name Ryangi.
In the replay name have clearly labled both team names and halves
Ie: CFL_str8vsRessurect_half1
