Hit&Run. recruiting!

We're back!
Hit&Run. just got back into crossfire after a really long break and now we're ready to get our clan started again. At our most active time we were ranked around 1000. Atm we are around the 6k line, but we are getting back there.

We do Clan games every day and we sometimes we just go public for fun

-Requirements are following:
-Can speak decent english
-Have TS3/Skype
-Above 16 years old
-1.0+ KDR
-Ping under 100.
-No Hacking.!
-Be active, for the love of good be active.

(Addition information)
-How long have you been playing Crossfire?(or any First Person Shooter)
-Favorite gun?
-How often and how long each day can you play?
-Former clans?
-And Last link us your Crossfire Profile.
(http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=10424637) etc

For more information add eX-Calibre ingame or make an application to the clan and give us the information above as good as you can and we will decide wether to give you a tryout or not.. See ya there!
