Post your teams schedule for CFL along with your predictions

Here is Undaunteds Schedule (Respond with your teams schedule set up like this.
Schedule for CFL
Options are (Win, Lose, Tie, Not sure, Or 2C2C (too close to call))
1- Vs Hey!Wassup (Win)
2- Vs NERDS (Win)
3- Vs Precision (Win)
4- Vs Shogun (Not Sure)
5- Vs Resurect (Win)
6- Vs FragSquad (Lose)
7- Vs Lifeline (Lose)
8- Vs Bio (2C2C)
9- Vs NomNom (Win)
10- Vs Molson (2C2C)
11- Vs PEMDAS (Not Sure)

Predicted total win loss: 8-3

You can post your predictions for mine as well as your own team if you would like.
