Ex.cn/Enxy. LFT for LAN

Hey it's Enxy a lot of new people in the competitive community since I have been popping in and out in the last year or so, on that note I'm coming back to the competitive scene, here is a bit about myself for those of you who don't know me.

Age:19(20 in Feb)

Pass teams: HgH(ESL-P) have played for a few other team but this is only one I think is notable.

Location: I live about 45 minutes away from downtown Toronto.

Position: Rifle(AK/M4)

League Experiences for CF: WOGL-Preseason, WOGL-S1, WOGL-S2, ESL-P.

Pass IGN: Ex.cn, Enxy, and 3nxy.

Decent aim(Still a little rusty since coming back but it's still decent)

Good games sense, I make calls, I'll be active just tell me when you want me online ill be there.

I can use either Ventrilo, mumble, or teamspeak.

Willing to work with the team and myself to improve anyways possible!

If you want to give me a try-out add me of Xfire: Lukster01
