NoA Official Recruitment Thread!


We were programmed to hide and lose.

- We play mostly in the US West Server but occasionally other servers as well.
- We use Mumble
- We are a pub clan with an s5 that's starting to play a bit more competitively
- We do scrims and clan wars!

Clan Requirements
- Have a sense of humor and dont be uptight
- 1.3+ KDR
- Have Mumble (Mic not required)
- Have decent aim and decent gamesense

Clan Rules
- No hacking / exploiting the game.
- No trash-talking (unless they instigated it)
- Respect clan members
- Be fairly active and be sure to attend clan practices

Clan Application
1. KDR?
2. Location?
3. Ping in Echo 8? Alpha?
4. Previous clans/teams?
5. Mic/ Mumble?

Youtube Channels

65's Youtube Channel:

Cheeeeeezy.'s Youtube Channel:

Currently Partaking Events

We're in the Veracity Tournament and our next match is Monday, 1/28/13 !

motto stolen from Gorgonites
