-Øn¢e- (NEW Clan)

Hello guys.

I'm proud to present my New clan.
I've made a Website you can find it here:

There some rules in my clan. Here the list.
> NO Insulting against our members <
> NO Hacking <
> You shouldn't glitch <
> Be also nice to other peoples <
> This is a International clan! <
> Have Fun <

If you want to apply:
> Your KD/r should be atleast 1.50 -exception if 1.40 <
> Your ping shouldn't be too high. 160 is maximum exception if higher <
> NO Hacking, Insulting and other things, or you'll get a kick <
> Must be active atleast 7 clan points per weak <
> You also should have fun while you play Crossfire <

How your apply should looks o,o

and other informations if you want.

Currently i don't have enough ZP to buy a clan Logo

The Clan. BTW, can't change the Clan Introduction i try it later again.


Thanks for your interests and Thanks for reading.
