[CLC] Match Comms and Reporting Thread
BrianCFFFF wrote: »PiPo's recording: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLW7rfqsaV4
Okay thanks . -
I though if you forget to bandi you will get DQ for those rounds that you didnt bandi :? so if we dont bandi even for 1 round, we will get DQed ?
2fastSTREAK wrote: »Should've recorded the whole scrim...
most retar.ded sht. lmfao
So are you saying i ghosted or something after I was dead? I can have someone else upload also to show I wasnt saying anything.... So we win 16-6, I get the most frags by FAR, this shows all of my frag, but we get DQed because i didnt record while i was dead. I ALWAYS stop recording when I'm dead. Ive recorded for 4 years straight and thats the way ive always done it lol... Never had a problem in a tournament before. DQ Pipo's team too then. He didnt record the first 2 rounds.
Edit: I had a 1.68FPR lmfao. that's impressive. -
You guys are so unprofessional, where is the dispute? Where is the dispute on the forums?I wanna see all their bandies, if I dont see any bandies I'll personally speak to Saiden about how you are favoring teams and making this tournament unfair at all costs. He will deal with you. This is unfair, they lost fair and square, I wanna see all their bandies, I DISPUTED I want to see it, if I dont see even 10 seconds at least in any point in the bandi, I demand the win.
1st of all, WHO THE FCK IS THRONE.LK GTF0 THIS THREAD . you **** me off in everything you post, he HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS, HES NOT IN THE TEAM, HE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE, HES A NOBODY, this has nothing to do with throne.lk . Are they too embarrased to post themselves? are you serious? who the fck is throne.lk , we didn't face his ass at all why are you listening to that idiot.
most retar.ded sht. lmfao
So are you saying i ghosted or something after I was dead? I can have someone else upload also to show I wasnt saying anything.... So we win 16-6, I get the most frags by FAR, this shows all of my frag, but we get DQed because i didnt record while i was dead. I ALWAYS stop recording when I'm dead. Ive recorded for 4 years straight and thats the way ive always done it lol... Never had a problem in a tournament before. DQ Pipo's team too then. He didnt record the first 2 rounds. -
I don't understand why you'd stop recording though.
The whole scrim means the whole scrim. Other leagues are irrelevant.
It's a weak DQ, but some people want to be sticklers for the rules.
Then DQ pipos team. He didnt record the first two rounds.
Ever since I started making youtube videos I've done that...... It saves space and makes it easier to look through. I've never had a problem in a tourney about this before, so why would I think differently. They win off some cheap sht. wow -
tastyslaya wrote: »you violated a rule. It doesn't matter however you recorded in your other played tournaments, the rules clearly stated that you had to record the whole game and not the only parts where you played. It wasn't only 1 round but you did it throughout the game.
i wanna see their bandies, they violated too. I think they cheated . They never disputed why do you care. He uploaded bandi for the sake of respect and throne.lk came out of nowhere. There was never a dispute, why do you care, in that case i wanna see all their bandies. -
TastySlaya wrote: »You violated a rule. It doesn't matter however you recorded in your other played tournaments, the rules clearly stated that you had to record the whole game and not the only parts where you played. It wasn't only 1 round but you did it throughout the game.
read my post. Why are you favoring Pipo's team then. I dropped a 1.68 fpr, which is really really good, and uploaded that, but i get DQ'd for this? -
Sigh, this is such a dumb argument.
You should've known you need to record the full thing man.
No one knows what you're diong while you're dead. ghosting with chams who knows.
now you know, start recording the full thing. I don't know how you went so long in legues turning off. its like saying you went into wogl, turn ac on, died turned it off then spawn and turned it back on? come on man, even you know better that .. -
TastySlaya wrote: »The rules say that you had the record the whole game. Your logic is flawed.
My fault.
I couldn't read your rules very well due to you not being able to complete a sentence properly.
"All participants must be a form of screen recording" -
TastySlaya wrote: »What about it? They lost the first round for forgetting to record ONLY the first round. Rest of the game was recorded perfectly.TastySlaya wrote: »All participants must use a form of screen recording (listed below) at all times during their matches or they will automatically be disqualified from the tournament.
Sorry I guess I read that wrong. -
HEADlovesu wrote: »1st of all, WHO THE FCK IS THRONE.LK GTF0 THIS THREAD . you **** me off in everything you post, he HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS, HES NOT IN THE TEAM, HE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE, HES A NOBODY, this has nothing to do with throne.lk . Are they too embarrased to post themselves? are you serious? who the fck is throne.lk , we didn't face his ass at all why are you listening to that idiot.
who da fuq are you , you f-cking ret-ard , I was just asking a f-cking question nothing more , I dont favored any teams , and I dont give a ***** abt this shjtty as-s Dqed or whatever is happening , I just want to know if we forgot to bandi few rounds will it be an instant Dqed or just dqed those rounds without the bandi. Before you target someone use ur little brain to process the information shjt head. -
My fault.
I couldn't read your rules very well due to you not being able to complete a sentence properly.
"All participants must be a form of screen recording"HEADlovesu wrote: »thats still breaking the rules, so what you are saying is you are favoring his team? -
who da fuq are you , you f-cking ret-ard , I was just asking a f-cking question nothing more , I dont favored any teams , and I dont give a ***** abt this shjtty as-s Dqed or whatever is happening , I just want to know if we forgot to bandi few rounds will it be an instant Dqed or just dqed those rounds without the bandi. Before you target someone use ur little brain to process the information shjt head.
learn english, you suck , you always have sucked, shut up gtf0 you are a nobody -
Sigh, this is such a dumb argument.
You should've known you need to record the full thing man.
No one knows what you're diong while you're dead. ghosting with chams who knows.
now you know, start recording the full thing. I don't know how you went so long in legues turning off. its like saying you went into wogl, turn ac on, died turned it off then spawn and turned it back on? come on man, even you know better that ..
Once again, I can have any of my teammates upload so you can listen while I'm dead..
Either way, I'm better than any of them anyways. They know they lost. They aren't good. -
HEADlovesu wrote: »learn english, you suck , you always have sucked, shut up gtf0 you are a nobody
oh so you are somebody shjtty ? btw , this is just a tourney to have fun + to kill times why are you so mad ? go drink some milk and have some cookies , Im a nobody sure I didnt say Im " somebody " , I just get on play , get off that's it. Frag Squad won by dqed cause u guys violated the rules first if you are not happy , go make your own little tourney then shove it up your as-s. -
Once again, I can have any of my teammates upload so you can listen while I'm dead..
Either way, I'm better than any of them anyways. They know they lost. They aren't good.
no one say you cheat anyway xfamous , it just lool the rules want you to recorded the whole game oh well consider it a lame mistake and next time just ask before you turn bandi off and on when you're dead.
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