Looking for serious scrim players.

I'm looking for scrim players.

Someone who can be serious on vent during scrim and scrim practice.

Someone who can clutch, AIM<--- Most Important, and doesnt flame or QQ.

I dont care about rank, KDR, or age.

Post your profile here or go apply to clan and I will give you tryout when I log onto Crrossfire.


1. Ventrilo

2. Mic

3. Positive attitude

4. No suck ups please

Clan link: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=44284

P.S. All members in clan are not part of scrim team Scrim teams are posted in Clan news, I'm currently cleaning out my scrim team. I'm looking for around 3-4 players and subs.
Thank you and love always xX-Flames-Xx
