new mutant maybe

Frostborn mutant ice like abilitie in small area around it chills making them slower for 2 seconds

Feaster has no special abilitie what happens though is whatever absorbe you become can only absorbe once takes a bit longer so if you ate a maiden you would get the maiden powers but still look like a feaster but part maiden like your claws

hunter related to havoc and xeno rival of the ranger special abilitie it can see where everyone is for a few seconds and gains speed

armaggedon abiltie costs 1k life but it makes it so life doubles and takes half damage for 5 second then returns to normal

agony nearby foes get chained and slowed or pulled closer costs 1k life also chains cover his whole body scythe like claws

rage blackish red character special is normal green mutant but when nearby mutants die gains 100 life and takes less damage from fury 2-3 seconds
