Biohazard snipers

When your in bio, Venice (maybe forgot ),snipers only aim for the host . I feel this is unfair today I played 8 biohazard games today and was host every time ,the snipers always aim for me I had to waste 200 meds to complete those game legit. Well.. Wasting them was my falt I like having 100 hp. But my point is this isn't fair if I host everygame. It's true u can switch hosts but most people won't listen or can understand English . So it would be fair if snipers pick random targets or the closest. Today I had to tank bullets for the whole team. Was a waste of meds but got nightmare blade :p so it was worth it . If I had a clan team or team zm I wouldnt have been so wasteful but most of us dont have people that are good to play with we have to play with random people that enters the room to win u must save them so u have to get hurt or die for them, your sacrifice would be less if the sniper wasnt after u too. So please make those snipers more random :(
