Chaotic Seal is recruiting

We are looking for active and skilled players.

I don't want to chat with you, i do want to scrim, so if you have any interest in join Chaotic Seal, make sure you want to scrim and make sure you are active enough.

We want people who follow orders, hold their position trust their teammates and know when to cover a teammate in trouble. We don't want some **** heads who will rush and get their frags to make a pretty K/D.

We don't want people who accept a loss. We want people who gets ****ed off if we loose. We like to win, we play to win, i want people with that mentality playing with me.

We don't care about your k/d we do care about your skills and that's something a k/d won't show but it's something we will find out in a try out.

Vent and Mic are a must.

We don't want people with attitude issues, i don't want drama in the clan, neither grudges against other clans.

If you are caught hacking or glitching i will kick you immediately, i will report you and i will make sure other clans know why you got kicked.

Our website:
Our z8 page:

My contact:
Msn/Email -
xfire - vegecs
Vent info is in our z8 clan page
