Fun Day - Friday 11/12/09

This Friday I want to get as many forum users on the Delta Server and hosting a series of games for fun and community interactions. Here's what I'm planning. Times all in GMT + 10.

8am - 11am: Elimination Mode

11am-2pm: Search & Destroy

2pm-5pm: Team Deathmatch

5pm-8pm: Ghost Mode

8pm-11pm: Free For All

I want to get as many forum users as possible to take part with a number of rooms. Rules would be:

1 - No hackusations.
2 - No hacking (obviously).
3 - QQ if you want, but do not abuse people.
4 - Save replays (not necessary but I expect some fun games).
5 - Laggers are permitted, however excessive ping (greater than 500) is not allowed, though spiking is acceptable.
6 - Rooms intended for this particular event should be named in - Friday Forum Event blah blah blah so that people can find them easily.
7 - Don't be a ****.
8 - Forum users get first preference over people who don't use them.
9 - Don't behave like a noob but you don't have to be pro.
10 - Only start kick votes if someone hacks, is abusive, team kills intentionally, ping is consistently high (will not drop below 500) or someone is idling.
11 - Room passwords optional. If you have a room password use fridayfun as the password.
12 - Use this for farming and I will personally **** you up.
