The All-New, All-Official GOODBURGER Clan Thread

Yes - we are recruiting again...

Hello All! After making a very conscious effort to cleave some of the excess fat from GoodBurger, we are left now with a very solid (yet smaller) core of good and active players. It's now time to build things back up slightly by adding more of the same.

About Us: We are actually a fairly new clan (formed in Aug 2012) but we are one of the most active pub and clan war clans in Cross Fire. While we are not competitive per se, we all take the game fairly seriously, while still enjoying each other's company and having fun. In terms of age, we don't have a lot of younger members. Most of us are beyond high school age.

General Requirements:
KDR > 1.25
Ping < 110 in Alpha
Age 16+
Ventrilo (mic preferred)

More Info:
I am not looking just to add members for the sole purpose of growing the membership. The number of members is irrelevant to me. I want only the right people who will be with the clan long-term. If you join and don't get involved (i.e. Facebook, forums, Ventrilo, etc.), you will probably end up leaving or being kicked. I want active involved members...

Application Process:
PM me here or in-game if you are interested in applying. We are still a semi-closed clan, meaning if I (or one of my LT's) have not spoken with you, then your application will be thrown in the trash on top of yesterday's fries.

[Clan Link]
