Looking for Clan


So, I'm about it again. I'm looking for a clan that's mainly like a family setting. Where you play to have fun. I may not be the best player on here, although I am getting better everyday. I started Cross Fire about 2 years ago now. I did quit for a while (6 months I believe), although here I am back at it again. I do play multiple times a day. I'll get on for a few hours, then get off, then go play again. I will tell you right now that my KD/R does suck right now, It's steadily climbing up rapidly. I haven't really played in a "Clan War", although I'm willing to ^_^. I'm just a fun loving person who wants to enjoy the full benefits of Cross Fire, while being in a family setting clan, where we just play to have fun. Here are some of my stats...

Total Kills- 2149
Total Deaths- 3318
Kill/Death Ratio- 0.65
Exp- 15676
Headshots- 859

Link to my profile: http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=13161735

I can get pretty much any chatting/VoIP software you want me to use. Currently right now I have xFire. Also, I'm not a kid (If that helps). I just got out of college for computers.

Thank-you for taking the time out of your day to read this, and possibly consider me in your clan! Have a great day!

