Veñom™ Recruitment Thread

~Unleash the chaos of the Serpent~

Clan Summary
Join a new clan on its way to the top. We are an English clan, and we are very active. We scrim and clan war multiple times a day. We are a fun clan but we also play competitively and we love to win. We are looking for players that have a drive to win when we are clan warring, but also have a fun side. If you are very active, competitive, and fun, this is the clan for you. You must have Ventrillo because we are an active community and we want all members to talk with each other.

Clan Requirements

1.You must have a 1.0 kdr.
2.You must have ventrillo.
3.Your rank must be Staff Seargent or higher
4.You must make at least 10 clan points per week
5.Your average ping must be below 200
6. You must have the honorable ribbon

Clan Rules
1. No hacking or glitching
2. Must be on ventrillo to cw and listen to strats
3. Be respectful
4. Be active

Clan Application
English speaking:
+ k/d:
Old clans:
anything you like to add put at the end.

