Black Market - In-Game Text Removal

Before you think this is about the removal of the Black Market System, it isn't...

Recently I have been playing a lot and farming a lot, which isn't what the topic is about, but I keep on seeing the green text "USER" has won "....", even when I am not farming it adds up, fills the chat up and is rather annoying, even though it is a pretty good feature at times.

So basically I was wondering if we could have an option to remove being able too see it, just like we can with chat, team chat, and clan chat, just having another option next to it.

Example(s) -

In-Game -

Lobby -

Well seeing as I have nothing else to expand on, this is basically it, it'd be a good feature to use every now and again, same with the close chat. Oh and before I leave you, I am not sure if this has been suggested before, but seeing as we recently got the new chat feature, I am sure this would be a great time to implement this.
If you agree or disagree, tell me why. ;)
