Looking for clan.

I can snipe or rifle, whatever turns your crank.
15 years old, I've been told I sound 20 or something on mic, oh well.
I'm mature, but I like to have fun every once in a blue moon, which means.
I've done the whole "Echo 8" competitive play before, if you want to call it competitive.. ;)

Some info about my account:
Honorable Ribbon : Yes
KDR : 1.30
Main Guns : AWM/Tar-21/M4

Clan requirements that I might apply for include:

- Active players that like to pub.
- Active players to clan war with daily.
- Some sort of voice serve (Ts3, Vent, Mumble, etc.)
- Competitive players to possibly scrim with.
- Possibly some stoners for me to befriend? ;)

Anyways, hope to hear back soon !
