dot-a Looking for Clan

1ST no joke clans >.< i dont want pubstars or,You know what i mean i dont want any of that BS
2ND Competitive Clan,Could care less if baddies or not,i just want people to actually think befor playing>.<
3RD LOGIC,OMG-_- i feel like no one has this a definite need
4TH Active <--- also a definite need,i understand inactive like life problems totally understand that,i know its just a game.......
5TH Could care less what language you speak but as long as i can understand you >.<
6TH VENTRILO D: or any other communication software please is a must D:
7TH CLEAN CLAN >.< i mean CLEAN >.<

IGN: poo-c
Just try 2 contact me while In Game

dot-a wasnt banned its frozen for fraud D: so is some other adr original members

EDIT:If you need me to growler thats fine
If you need to teamviewer me thats also fine
